Zlatan’s first words after the title: “Details soon.”

A long-awaited title with Milan.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 40, is now talking about his future.

– we will see. Details will come out soon, he told TV4.

– I suffered a lot this season, he says dazn.

right after that Zlatan Ibrahimovic Milan won the league title – their first for the club in 11 years – and the focus has shifted to the Swede’s future.

After a chaotic celebration with thousands of singing fans storming the stadium, the main character speaks for herself.

We’ll see, we’ll see. There is a lot of time. I won’t go into details now. Details will come out soon and then I can talk about it. Now we will enjoy winning. Just have fun, he tells TV4.

May need surgery

The 40-year-old has missed most injuries this season and hasn’t complained that his body is starting to talk and the end is near.

– I suffered a lot this season. He says we will see if you need surgery now dazn.

“For Raiola”

A message about Zlatan’s future will likely come in a few days.

Here and now he just wants to have fun.

Ibrahimovic has won many major titles throughout his career, but no one intended such titles, he said.

Just a few weeks ago his old agent and close friend Mino Raiola, 54, passed away after a period of illness.

– This is a Scodeton for Raiola. It’s the first title I win without Mino by my side, he says.

For TV4, it develops.

Very emotional, very emotional. The last time Milan won, I was there too. Eleven years later, I can participate and win again. When I arrived two and a half years ago, I said I would put Milan back on top and win the Scudeton. Not many people believed in me at the time. Many laughed, but it’s a different tone today, he says.

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