Magdalena Ericsson suffers from Martin Sjögren

Sheffield. After Norway’s heavy loss to England, voices were raised regarding the departure of Martin Sjogren.

Magdalena Ericsson suffers from the captain of the national team.

“I still think he’s one of the best football coaches I’ve worked with,” she says.

After a stable Norwegian start, he was an offer of a full penny for home team England. The Norwegians lost on Monday 8-0 and the tone after the loss was harsh, not least against her Martin Sjögren.

The captain of the Swedish national team for Norway came under heavy criticism after that.

Magdalena Erickson Martin Sjogren was a coach during his years at Linköping (2013-2016) who struggled when I watched the match. In the Norwegian team, Chelsea club friends Marin Migilde and Guru Retten play.

Martin is a very good football coach. I still think he is one of the best football coaches I’ve had. Of course I suffer with him. He’s also a wonderful person and person, Magdalena Ericsson tells Sportbladet.

I suffer with him the same way I suffer with my teammates. It’s sad to see them going through hard times because I know they are great footballers. His being criticized after this match is a foregone conclusion, like football, this is the media and it’s no wonder. I’m sure he can handle it.

“Martin is a very good football coach,” says Magdalena Erickson.

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National team captain Peter Gerhardsson also felt sympathy for his coaching colleague:

In such situations, you are likely to feel very lonely even if you have helpers. I think it’s very hard, such a strong blow. Somewhere I struggle a bit with him in this team and because he’s Swedish too, says Peter Gerhardsson.

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The results came as a surprise to most fans of the European Championships. Norway is one of the best teams, which is why the result of the meeting with England created such great reactions.

– It’s football. It may happen. I thought Norway started well, then a penalty came out of nowhere and then the match flipped and they were cut off. England continued and gained popular support with them at the same time that there were incidents here and there, says Magda and points out:

That’s the beauty of football, it can happen. But if Norway and England play against each other, not everyone will end up with an 8-0 score and Norway can win the match. There were many coincidences yesterday.

Martin Sjögren with Magdalena Eriksson at the Football Gala in 2016.

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