Eugene. We are two days away from the World Cup, and in the host city anxiety is starting to spread.
Almost all active people live in the corridors of the university, and the medal jump Perseus Karlström confirms the result.
– There will be a large-scale outbreak here, no doubt about it, he says.
The world gathers in little Eugene for the World Athletics Championships. The first tournament after the epidemic.
Of course, everyone on site should have self-tested before leaving for the World Cup city in the northwest of the United States, but once at the venue, there are no requirements for mouth protection and no ongoing testing for either. Active, volunteers or the media.
But with only two days left, the coronavirus has increasingly turned into a real threat. The Norwegian team has a total of five cases, one of which is active, and the Danish team has two. Both had publishers in Berkeley just like Sweden.
‘The most dangerous thing we can do’
– When we heard that the first case came, we immediately tested the whole team in the afternoon of the same day and we had no positive cases. Since then, we have had constant contact with the Norwegian and Danish leaders and know that their positive cases were immediately isolated, says the national team captain. Kajsa Bergqvist.
– We are now vigilant and as soon as someone develops any symptoms we will test immediately and in that case isolate that person as quickly as possible.
When he invited Puma to a press conference for his stars, Karsten Warholm was there. His coach, Lev Olaf Alnes, was clear that he did not like risks.
– This is the most dangerous thing we can do, he says.
Immediately, the organizer suddenly demanded that everyone wear a mouthguard and mentioned “a worrying development in the past 24 hours”.
Duplantis lives alone
Active people find it difficult to protect themselves. Almost everyone on campus lives in hallway-like dorms. World Cup Bronze Medalist Perseus Karlstrom It is not affected by infection control measures.
Perhaps the most difficult task for me during the World Cup was to stay healthy. There will be widespread outbreaks here, there is absolutely no doubt about that. Some people use masks, and I do that in the area all the time. But the majority do not use it and do not use it when traveling here. He says there will be massive coronavirus cases, and everything else is going to be amazing.
Kajsa Bergqvist says the band has been given a strict code of conduct.
—Our national team physician Lena Hagren Rasberg has come up with strict recommendations to keep your distance from everyone else, she says.
The team’s biggest star, Mundo Duplantis, won’t arrive until next week. He will not live with the rest of the team.
– He will not stay with us, but check-in at a hotel. Kajsa Bergqvist says he will come here for team meetings and meet the others afterwards.