Khaddi Sagnias bagage borta: “Katastrophe”

Eugene / Stockholm. Khadi Sanya, 28, had a bad start at the World Cup.

Her luggage is missing.

– It was a disaster – she says – and criticizes the Swedish Federation for lack of assistance.

One of Sweden’s greatest hopes for the medal is Khadi Sanya, long jumper, in Eugene.

After a lot of trouble.

The flight was there from Gothenburg, via Frankfurt, Paris and San Francisco – with delays on all flights.

– I’ve never felt that my legs were so stiff. It’s been years since my legs were like concrete. It was chaos. When I competed here in the Diamond League, I traveled on a business trip and now I really feel the difference, she says.

But worst of all:

Her luggage disappeared without a trace.


Sania’s and her coach’s bags were lost in Germany on July 13th and have yet to be recovered.

– It was a little stressful. We don’t know when we’ll get it here. She says if we get it here before we have to compete.

Qualifiers will start the night before Sunday and the finals the night before Monday Swedish time.

And now, Khaddi Sagnia is without formal wear for the competition.

– We don’t know how to solve it. This is not what you want to focus on as an active person. You’re here to train and compete, but now I’ve had to sit in conversations with the airlines for several hours. There was a lot of focus on the wrong things. It was a disaster, says Sagnia.

criticizes the guild

She criticizes the fact that the Swedish Federation was not able to help.

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– When we got here yesterday, they said they don’t have any extra clothes, so I actually don’t know what it would be like. I don’t know what rules apply, if you can compete in other clothes. I’m going to talk to Kagsa (Berjqvist, guild leader), says Sagnia, who experiences the whole thing as a moment of high tension.

– I don’t even know how to explain it. She says it was a mess.

The article is updated!

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