Anders Gärderud has just finished a night skating competition when Sportbladet reaches him with news of Andreas Almgren’s Swedish record.
– It was a blessing, he says.
– 13.01 – world-class.
Gärderud was not at all surprised by his record-breaking, but more on Almgren’s time of 13:01.70.
Almost sixteen seconds off his old record.
Yes, records are there to be broken and I bet myself with Jacob Hård on SVT before the race. I paid 13.09 which is 13.06 so now I owe him a beer.
– But 13.01!? It is pure world.
– I remember when Said Aouita became number one in the world for thirteen minutes and you thought it was unbelievable. And now Andreas is there. It is important to put it in context.
Anders Gärderuds still contends to direct – even though he’s 76 years old.
“I hope he is in good health”
He was jogging in the Järfälla forests outside Stockholm, at the same time that Almgren set his own record in Sweden.
– Yes, you just reached the finish line when the phone rang.
– Now I just hope the gal is healthy. He was a little bit injured. But if it continues like this, it will soon be under thirteen minutes.
Anders Gärderud had planned a small anniversary if his record held up for 50 years.
– Yes, and then I planned to run 5,000 meters – twice the record time. This was an idea I had, but for now I’m going to let it go.
The old record was 13:17.59, set at Stockholm Stadium in the summer of 1976.
Now it’s history.