Sweden won the Finnkampen Championship on both the women’s and men’s sides.
Nice, good and a good sign for the Swedish show, Kagsa Bergqvist rode into the moat for the first time.
But where is the fight?
There are sharper elbows in the Swedish electoral movement than in Vincampen these days.
Now it was not exciting, as the two fights were already settled before the end of the 1500m. There was not the slightest push or push when he was a new star Andreas Magyar Run home in another Swedish victory this weekend.
Yes, it was a Swedish crush by winning both of my youth matches as well.
But there was no conflict, not even in the individual branches.
It’s nothing new that Finnkampen lost what once made the competition heated.
The thing that sold both the Olympic stadiums in Helsinki and Stockholm every time it came to brink of autumn.
I’m not saying it was better before, but I miss Fincamp which was once a Cold War in the same way the US faced the Soviet Union.
It was the smaller northern variant, but there was a battle per millimeter and most means allowed.
In 1992, all six runners washed up in the 1500m after a race that was as much wrestling as it was running.
Hate is a long history
Personally, I was there in Helsinki at the time and saw all sorts of trash come in when Patrick Johansson was running on the lap of honor.
In the end, a Swedish leader had to throw him off the track, so as not to irritate the fans even more.
Today, that would be an impossible scenario.
As much as the slogans Finnkampen promoted in Stockholm in 1994, when the glare was already starting to fade.
“We against them” was written on posters in the subway and in the city, a formula that is impossible today.
When we write 2022, the international match will be presented with a big heart in the colors of the two teams.
It says something about the times we live in, with new values and embraces after each branch.
It’s the right way to go, of course, although I miss the old runner who filled everyone with adrenaline and made it boil at regular intervals. I have to admit I loved it, but I think it’s a generation related thing.
But the hatred that destroyed and cemented this international match from the start is a long history.
The Battle of Finn was canceled for several years in the 1930s, when battles became very difficult.
classic live
It was after Finnkampen in front of a sold-out crowd of 14,000 at Stockholm Stadium in 1931 and the 800m race that made history.
Swede KG Björck later testified that he was pushed onto the field, receiving punches in the thigh and one in the neck by Finn Mickelson.
The audience was in an uproar.
Och på banketten efteråt överraskade den finske förbundsbasen Urho Kekkonen, later legendary Finnish president, med Att Landskampen skulle ställas in på Grund av den upphetsade.
And it was.
It was also mitigated by the fact that Swede Siegfried Edström, according to the Finns, the national idol Paavo Nurmi was washed up before the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1932 for violating amateur rules.
But this feeling, which had already prevailed in the early years, continued for many more years, when the exchange resumed in 1939, the same year that Germany invaded Poland and the start of World War II.
Now it’s been 83 years since then, but this classic lives on.
The interest hasn’t been as high as it once was, but there are still well-filled stands at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki, as a rain of Finnish medals at the European Championships bolstered hope.
Unfortunately, the biggest stars disappeared for various reasons and it was finally fair Daniel Stoll Leave as sticker name.
Not a sign of success
It was more breadth than stardom and that worked for Sweden.
Meanwhile, there is an opportunity for more anonymous names to come forward.
Like 22-year-old Julia Henrikson, who took over as the Swedish sprint queen this season.
It was a headwind at the Olympic Stadium, but the Swedish sprint has a tailwind at the moment, with 16-year-old Scanian William Trollson being quite the sensation this year.
Farmlander Henrik Larsson has also scored twice in the 100 and 200 metres, and it looks like something is about to happen in some of the sport’s most magical.
It’s also fun to see giant talent Jacob Thelander set a personal record in the 400m with 48.30 in the triathlon and Maja Åskag finished a rather tough season in both the triple jump and the distance.
Two 19-year-olds represent the future of Swedish athletics.
But winning in Finnkampen is not evidence of success in the tournament.
away from there.
I’d rather see more medals in the water cycle in Budapest next summer.