Linus Klassen wants to terminate his contract in Switzerland and move to Sweden.
The reason is to be able to take better care of your sick child.
– I don’t see it getting any brighter now, says Klassen according to swisshockeynews.
Earlier this week, Expressen wrote that Linus Klassen He could leave Switzerland to move to his home in Sweden where Djurgården has been mentioned as a possible title for the club.
And now there is probably something in the information, even if sports director KG Stoppel denies it.
“There is nothing to comment on from our side,” he wrote in a text message to Sportbladet.
But Klassen, who set off at Södertälje in the 2007/08 season, has since had a long and successful career in the NHL, Malmö, Lulea and Switzerland wants to return to his homeland in Sweden.
Calsen, who played for six years at Lugano, returned home in 2020 after his youngest son contracted meningitis, a type of meningitis, and ended up on a ventilator.
– I prepared for the worst, that he would die or wake up like a vegetable, he tells SVT.
‘You won’t get any brighter’
He then returned to the Alps and EHC Visp, but according to Blake, he now wants to return to Sweden again, thus requesting an early termination of his contract with the club.
– I don’t see it getting any brighter now. Some nights I barely slept, Klassen says according to swisshockeynews.
Claassen reportedly promised not to sign for another team in Switzerland, or to claim any compensation for breach of contract.
Team chief executive Sebastian Picot confirmed that they are in discussions with Klasen but cannot let him go until November due to injuries and uncertain contract situations.
– We’re trying to find a solution that works for everyone, says Biko.