Anton Wieden, Timra Champion – led the goalkeeper in overtime against Linköping

Anton Lander celebrates the goal against Linköping.
Anton Lander celebrates the goal against Linköping.

Stockholm / Linkoping. They succeeded last Saturday.

Today, Timrå made another attempt to pick the goalkeeper in overtime.

Then Anton Wieden decided up 3-2 against Linköping.

Timrå brought a 2-0 deficit and Anton Lander She was quietly pulled into the net 2–2 in the power game.

It was the Timrå captain’s sixth point in the last three matches.

In the 3-2 victory at Örebro recently, he was involved in the winning goal when the team decided to go into extra time after taking out the goalkeeper and playing with another man.

Today they repeated the trick.

“The coach shouted”

2-2 after full time and decisive in overtime. Then coach Ante Carlson took out Jacob Johansson and played with another guy again. Then Anton Weeden decided.

– I thought it came a bit like a thunderbolt out of the blue. The coach shouted that we were taking (the goalkeeper) and we thought Linköping had two offensive players inside, so we wanted to take advantage. There is an idea behind the choice of goalkeeper as well. Team captain Anton Lander says the situation should be appropriate and the last two matches.

“damn gun”

Magnus Pääjärvi, who scored for the second consecutive game in his third match, is also delighted.

– He has a damn pistol, I didn’t think so. He’s got a great opportunity, boy, Ante Carlson, Temra’s coach says.

Behind him, Magnus Pääjärvi is having an almost injury-packed season in Malmö.

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