A street in Kiruna is named after him in Porgy Salming

Matogarvegatan in Kiruna changed name to Porgy Salmings Gata.

It was decided on Monday evening.

Municipal councilor Gunnar Silberg says it is important that this be done while Borge is still alive.

It was he who raised the issue during Monday’s meeting Kiruna The Municipal Council requested that another item be added to the agenda.

“You shouldn’t do it completely unprepared, and I was a little nervous because someone was going to talk, but everyone agreed to the idea,” says Silberg.

“Incredibly touching”

After honoring the weekend in Toronto, Silberg felt the city of Kiruna also had to do something for the hockey champion.

It was very moving to see the honors in Toronto, but I was a little panicked because in Kiruna we didn’t have time to do anything yet. Then the idea arose, to rename the street where Porgy grew up, a snapshot of the hockey barn where he began his career, Borgy Salmings Street. He feels right, he says.

“I hope he joins”

The idea is that a party will take place in the near future.

– For me, it is important that this be done while Porgy is still alive. We will make sure to organize some kind of celebration where we cover the signs with the new street name and hope that Börje will participate in one way or another, if via a link, says Gunnar Selberg.

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