The series leaders come from Övik to Hovet in Stockholm and they beat series favorites in the series final by 5-6.
working methods?
Riley Woods, Josh Dickinson, and Mikkel Agard.
Long lines outside Hovet, a Tuesday ice hockey game allsvenskan could sell out in time it seems, people stood and stomped and tied their blue-striped scarves more tightly in the dark and light wind before being allowed to step into the beautiful room filled with Argentinian 78 inspired scraps typhoon paper
Third in the regular season (if we’re being picky, there should be a period of play in Round 18 for it to be exactly a third), he missed the Test.
Big favorite Djurgården vs. the “junior” MoDo, here they’ll be measured and weighed, pitted against each other for the first time this season, tested and compared, bundles checked, and mounts checked.
The home team started the game at an almost frantic pace, Ludwig Runsfeld scored it 1-0 after two minutes and for the first time in a long time, I screamed right after an ice hockey goal when Ole Les scored it 2-0.
What a sugar baker, not, and what a lovely 2-0 ice hockey goal.
Kruger hit a diagonal pass in the middlecourt to Lees who came up quickly, received the puck, skated over the blue and began loading his double-barreled woodblock revolver.
Elsnabe Riley Woods
He slid forward, charged, charged, charged, and sent the puck so fast that it bounced straight off the tight net as quickly as it hit the goal.
I wondered if it hadn’t come to the central circle.
This is what an ice hockey goal should look like.
Djurgården appeared to be making gooseberry jam out of series leader MoDo, but then a power cut occurred after which the match picture changed.
Mikael Agard corrected the ball from close range, and the fans thought he also corrected goalkeeper Karl Lindbom, but the situation room gave the go-ahead for a goal.
Josh Dickinson made it 2-2 in a numerically superior game, yet it’s just the beginning of MoDo’s Danish-Canadian streak of success.
After Djurgården again climbed to a two-goal advantage at just over eight minutes into the second half, Hans ö Link (apologies for the very narrow reference) moved forward again.
Dickinson after playing a pat-pat fell into numerical superiority and lightning-quick Riley Woods triumphed in a high 4-4 post-free stance.
In the final stint, Djurgården took the lead again, early this time too, but North Jutland’s Fredrikshavn’s Dane Aagaard swung several times.
First, he hung the score high 5-5 and in extra time clinched the game with a powerful shot that caused the calm Lindbom on Djurgården’s goal to pull his stick into the box and turn it into … a kind of confetti. TiVo, that too.
Not unfair, and not entirely logical either
5-6 wasn’t unfair, and didn’t exactly make sense, but series finales shouldn’t always be consequential.
MoDo tested the 1/3 part better, they showed incredible morale and took three losses against the powerful Djurgården in Hovet, and overall we who watched got a good rap, fun and fearless full speed ahead. Hockey with a lot of exciting opportunities and situations.
Both goalkeepers had better nights (for some strange reason Lindbohm was named ‘man of the match’ by a semi-furry patron) but despite eleven goals I can’t recall a single goalkeeping score, it was the finish that stood out and it was so executed Power and distinction so that there was not much to do.
Then the Danish-Canadian link who scored all of MoDo’s goals and made so many points that they had to use an ice scraper to get them all into the locker room after the game.
Before heading out there, the team was greeted by an evil heel MoDo who sang and celebrated the victory and realized that with Woods, Dickinson, and Aagaard they might have a reason to celebrate bigger, more important victories here and there, and why not here in Hovet, to the brink of spring.
On a night like this they get everything they wish for, the only thing they’re really missing when they wake up tomorrow as ongoing series leaders is a new “Cabin Goblin talk” in the mailbox.
You can’t have it all.