The girls were tossed back and forth on the red carpet.
Anders “Pudding” Weiderstål and Håkan Södergren tease each other during the Time Hockey Celebration.
– He’s lying, says Sodergren.
Legendary material director Anders “Pudding” Weiderstål was one of the first features to hit the red carpet during the Tidernas hockey gala.
“I hope your jaw is in good shape and a little red aching,” Pudding tells Sportbladet.
Pudding at the party
It was too short to sum up 35 years Three crowns But the former materials manager should have at least answered questions about the players he met during his years of national team service.
Who was the idler?
You can’t have such a big party. There are some who were sloppy and some who were pedantic.
– We can take those who were meticulous instead. Henrik Lundqvist has pitched his tent in the dressing room and is there all day before he goes out to play. He is careful with things. Hence it is good.
Words about Peter Forsberg
Who is the biggest bully?
– It’s probably Håkan Södergren. He and Lacey Mullen were full of booze the whole time.
— and when Peter Forsberg arrived, he wasn’t too keen on things, I might say. They were in a wet heap and then he dressed him from top to bottom. Broken skis and stuff…
“Then he lies…”
Håkan Södergren, who was in a good mood on the red carpet, was not slow to respond to “Pudding”‘s accusation of corruption.
– No… Then Södergren says he’s lying.
– I was small and shy, but Pudding was one of our strongest material managers. At least I can say so.