Cam Abbott yelled at Rögle at the fans before the match against Leksand

Angelholm. Rögle’s heel on the short side suddenly got up right before the match.

In front of them on top of the rally fence was trainer Cam Abbott yelling and pushing them to go.

– I want to do everything I can to help this team win, I thought it would be valuable, says Rögle’s head coach.

Cam Abbott had a load attempt and looked like the more experienced heel leader.

He stood with one foot on the touchline and one foot on the picket fence and fired at the supporters on the short side with an incendiary speech.

Rögle’s crowd was, as usual, rowdy and intense in the stands.

In a tough round of 16 it wasn’t enough when Leksand won 2-1.

– I wanted to make an extra push before a big home game. It means a lot that the masses are noisy. They did a good job today. We love them and we love playing against them. Cam Abbott says they’ve revitalized the rink.

“he sings so badly”

Leksand’s head coach, Bjorn Hellqvist, was asked if he could imagine doing something similar.

– I hope people will tune in and support us, they usually do. Our fans have been absolutely amazing. I’m not the one who screams. Then I sing very badly. If anyone sings in our family, it’s our daughters. Neither me nor the wife, says Bjorn Hellqvist.

Previously, Bjorn Hellqvist coached Cam Abbott as a player at Rögle.

– I know what Cam Abbott is like, my team has started too. He may not sing better than me, but louder, says Bjorn Hellqvist.

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It risks being Rogel’s last home game of the season.

Leksand is 1-0 in matches in the best of three games with a home game on Monday and possibly Tuesday.

It was a tough match between two strong teams. It was a heartbreaking overtime game, it always is. Cam Abbott says it’s now a matter of us bouncing back and responding to it.

Liam Bichil became the hero of the match with the decisive goal after 14.21 of the first extra period.

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