Orebro / Stockholm. Arvid Lundberg’s perfect pass was the talk of the game.
the secret?
Joachim Lindström was an unlikely hand in the match.
Skellefteå’s 18-year-old full-back, Elias Salomonsson, was the big winner of the match as he scored the only goal of the match against Örebro.
Star striker Joachim Lindström, 39, helped score the goal when he found Salomonson’s fellow full-back Arvid Lundberg with an open pass.
Lundberg, in turn, passed the puck – clearly as unexpectedly – to Salomonsson, who drove the puck into the open goal.
– a difficult pass that set the whole hall on fire, Staffan Kronwall exclaimed at C. Moore.
And it turns out that Joachim Lindström had a hand (literally) in that pass as well.
“King – such greatness”
Arvid Lundberg uses Lindström gloves.
– They were at my place when I arrived (from Växjö) at the end of summer. It is not yet clear if Juke will continue. There were plenty in stock and I took them in, and then carried on, Lundberg explains to Sportbladet.
– They have pretty much the same specs, except it’s imprinted with the number 10, just like the King’s.
Is it okay to keep the name?
– truly. To come very close to this greatness! Lundberg laughs.
– I have to thank the material managers Mickey and Toby who distributed them.
Lundberg about performance
Of course, the material isn’t the whole truth, so we also asked Lundberg to tell us how his thoughts went during the performance:
– I tried to find ice between the attackers. Then I looked at what was offered, there are many who made it in from there and looked for available blades or corpses. It turned out well this time. That was nice!
The attacker often comes, but now Elias has come?
– Yes, we try to work with dynamic backs in the attack area. If one jumps back in, the attacker backs off. This time it turned out really well.
It’s 2-2 in the semifinal series. The fifth match takes place in Skellefteå on Sunday.