TAMMERFORS. Here’s the good news for Tre Kronor:
William Nylander, 26, is positive about the restroom.
Now it remains for him to pass a health check and an exit interview before the association can book the star travel forward.
Tre Kronor is off to a good start in this year’s ice hockey tournament. They beat Germany 1-0 on Friday night and the defense was first class with goalkeeper Lasse Johansson at the top.
But the attack lacks a point.
She’s on her way.
This morning, Swedish time, William Nylander was eliminated from the Stanley Cup when Florida defeated Toronto after 4-1 in games.
William Nylander was always positive about Tre Kronor when he had a valid NHL contract and made a late flight to the WC last year. This year he also has a little brother Alexander on the team, which makes WC even more interesting and a family bonus. Add to this that Williams’ close friend Rasmus Sanden is also in the squad.
want to play
According to Sportbladet, William is also positive this year, not bothered by the situation that he only has a year left on his contract and is likely to extend this fall, causing an insurance challenge.
The Ice Hockey League doesn’t want to talk about players who aren’t part of the World Cup squad, but it does talk about the process when a player finishes the season in North America.
– Sam Hallam, Stephane Klocker and Joseph Boumediene have been in contact with the players during the season. And they talk to them about how they see the World Cup and you famously take the first step there. When the situation is tough, Josef is the one who takes care of the connection and there is a little sense of how long a player needs to be relegated after the end of the season, says Anders Lundberg, national team manager and continues:
Then the player must undergo a health check and have exit talks with their NHL club. It’s a little different how long it takes. But if Joseph receives a positive response from an NHL player, we can prepare the release and insurance documents, and we generally take care of that when the player is on a trip to Europe, Lundberg explains.
The result of a strong water cycle
Willian Nylander finished fourth in the Swedish League for points in the regular season and came second in the goals league. He had a good playoff run with Toronto and this morning scored the all-important 2-2 goal in the third period.
In WC, he has an insane score and scored 37 points in 21 WC games. The average points per match, 1.76, is the highest a Swede has ever achieved in a World Cup, if you ignore those who played individual World Cup matches in the 40s, 50s and 60s.
If Nylander gets OK from the Maple Leafs and the Doctor, Tre Kronor could form a series with the Nylander brothers and super talent Leo Carlsson.