Adrian Kempe decided to pick the LA Kings in no time

New York. Adrian Quimby scored his life goal last night.

Just over a minute into overtime in the Los Angeles King’s fifth round against Edmonton, he rode the decisive ball 5-4.

– I saw that Conor McDavid had been on the ice for a long time and thought I would take advantage of it and it went well, says the Swedish champion.

He’s scored goals all season, Adrian Kempe But they saved the biggest moment of the year.

After the Oilers, led by the superb Conor McDavid, ran a 4-2 deficit in the second half of the third period and snatched all the momentum, there was no extra time to start until the 25-year-old custodian hit.

He grabbed the puck off the right flank, ran off Conor McDavid himself, rotated his back, cut in front of the box and bluffed at 5-4 behind Mike Smith.

We got to the locker room after three and said we’d forget what happened in the end and instead recharge for the extension. We had the right attitude, Adrian told ESPN.

– Target? Yes, I’ve seen that McDavid and the slopes have been inside since the stretch started and maybe a little tired, so I thought I’d try to take advantage of them and it went well.

With the win – in which nicknamed Hare Kembe contributed another goal, as well as an assist – the Kings easily secured the match ball and could beat the stars from Alberta in Los Angeles on Friday night.

– It’s going to be tough, it’s a very good team we meet, but if we play like in the first two periods tonight and stick to our identity instead of getting swept up in their game, there’s a chance, says Adrian.

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Alex Edler also got help.

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