Belgium’s Janice Kayman chooses the Swedes

Manchester / Stockholm. Belgian Janice Kayman, 33, already knows many Swedish stars.

But before the quarter-finals, she interrupted the friendship.

– I liked all their pictures, but perhaps I should stop now, she says.

Belgium played its first European Championship in 2017 and is now ready for its first playoff after 1-1 against Italy in Manchester.

– it’s a wonderful feeling. This is something we’ve really strived for, Janice Kayman says after the landmark achievement.

– It’s a big step for women’s football in Belgium and a big ‘boost’ for us.

In the quarter-finals on Friday, Sweden awaits.

– We know Sweden is good and I know some of the players there, says the 33-year-old who plays in Lyon on a daily basis.

“You must stop”

She previously played in Montpellier. There was a female teammate with three Swedish European Championship players: Linda CimbrandtAnd the Stena Blacksteins And the Sophia Jacobson.

– I haven’t spoken to them yet. I loved all of their pictures (on Instagram), but now I might have to stop, she says with a laugh.

Belgium went into the quarter after the great drama against Italy.

Did you write with them?

– No, I wished them luck in the matches in the European Championships.

But wouldn’t there be more congratulations now?

– I might be less kind now…

Reacts to suspected infection

When I heard that the Swedish team had two suspected incidents in the players’ team, I nodded.

– Oh shit. that’s unfortunate. I hope he manages the team from covid. And she makes up for it, and sadly it is still in circulation, she says and adds:

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– But they have a wide lineup with a lot of good players, so they’ll probably run the game.

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