BIK Karlskoga beat Björklöven – despite being 14 players away • Hockeyallsvenskan

Unexpected victory in Hockeyallsvenskan

Karlskoga had huge manpower and was missing goalkeepers.

Then the Italian Doldis Damian Clara stepped in and played big as Värmlanders defended with a great effort.

Bellissimo, Bellissimo, Henrik Larsson shouted in the dressing room after the 2-1 win.

Johan Larsson
Johan Larsson

Beck Karlskoga is in incredible injury form. On Tuesday, they were forced to cancel practices because 16 (!) players were missing due to injury or illness.

– a parody, said coach Karl Helmerson to the club’s website.

On Wednesday, that number was slightly better, but the team was still missing 14 players, including goalkeeper Marcus Helgren-Smid.

The Italian Doldis played great

Then came the news that Lars Volden had also fallen ill and the Värmlanders team was completely without a regular goalkeeper for the Bjorkloven encounter.

Then Damien Clara was called up from Färjestad’s J20 team – and that would be a success. The 17-year-old Italian pushed hard, stopping 36 of the 37 shots he faced.

– The first game, so you’re a bit nervous, but the guys made me feel welcome and helped me throughout the game, he says in C More and says the announcement of play came late.

– They asked me at two o’clock if I wanted to go and play and I said: Yes, let’s go!

Hyllas: “Beautiful, beautiful”

Beck Karlskoga, finding himself at a significant disadvantage, tied the game up through youngster Edwin Sandall before David Lindquist got the lead at the end of the third period. That was enough until a great 2-1 victory.

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– I am so impressed that I can’t find the words, says Harald Luckner in his book “Si More”.

In the dressing room after the match, the joy knew no bounds and the cage keeper was commended for the day.

– Nice, beautiful, robade Henrik “Kingen” Larsson.

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