Calle Halfvarsson won the Alliansloppet 2022

Kaley Halvarson won the 2022 Alliance Race. Archive photo.

Callie Halvarson came home with a win at Allianzlopat on roller skates. Peter Northough was 22nd.

Emma Reboom won for the second year in a row by 0.3 seconds.

It was a strong starting field gathered in Trollhättan for the 48km Alliansloppet ride on roller skates.

On the men’s front, last year’s winner Max Novax faced, among others, skating legend Peter Northog, the Swedish national team skater. Callie Halvarson And the super talented 16-year-old Alvar Maelback.

After about half the race, Halvarsson made a move and teamed up with two Norwegians, Erik Sverdrup Ogdal and Ansgar Evensen. Sverdrup Augdal and Halfvarsson mills, and Evensen was eventually forced to give up.

With only ten kilometers left, Halvarsson looked really tired. However, the Swede and Sverdrup Ogdal had a gap of up to a range of 57 seconds.

‘completely exhausted’

Then Halvarson turned, forcing the Norwegian to abandon. With less than a kilometer remaining, the gap narrowed to about 11 seconds.

– I was completely exhausted on the last lap. I just kept at will, I thought if I was ever going to win, it is now, says Haveverson at Cmore.

It was also enough to win, and the Swedish skating star slid across the finish line ahead of Norway’s Amund Rieg. Last year’s winner Novak finished fourth.

– I didn’t think, while running, that I would take it. I stumbled here running away, unaware of the last hundred metres, says Haveverson.

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Peter Northoj was 22nd and was beaten among others by Alvar Mailback.

Even from the woman’s side

On the women’s side, well-known figure skaters such as Norway’s Astrid Auer Slend, who won last winter’s Vasalupet in a new record time, Emma Rebom, last year’s winner and national team skater, and figure skating specialist Lynn Someskar, have introduced. victory in advance.

In addition, there were strong skaters such as German Olympic gold medalist Victoria Karl on the starting line.

With 8.5 kilometers remaining, the top three favorites were in the lead, but so was Norway’s Magne Smedas.

Smedås put in a solid effort in competition and won two out of two awards. The last kilometers were marked by Auer Slend repeatedly trying to get away, but to no avail.

Thus, all four riders stayed in the race, with Rebom showing his strength and coming home with the win for the second year in a row. The margin of victory was written at 0.3 seconds. Øyre Slind came in second, ahead of Smedås and Sömskar, respectively.

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