Tre Kronor beat Finland in the World Cup type representative

Posted: Yesterday 18.24 updated: Yesterday 20.49.000 full screen Photo: SIMON HASTEGÅRD / BILDBYRÅN Rasmus produced Dallen directly in the national team uniform. But it wasn’t certain that the NHL defender would play the World Cup rematch against Finland. – We found out that he had changed his plane ticket, so we asked the question, as … Read more

Tampa Bay took a big win over Toronto last night

Posted: Today 06.23.2007 updated: Today 08.58.000 Tampa. The defending champion put his foot into the qualifying series against Toronto last night. They led 1-0 after a minute, increased to 3-0 after eight minutes, and were ahead 5-0 ahead of third and eventually won 7-3. “It’s very good to always win the game after defeats because … Read more