TAMMERFORS. Corey Lindstrom, 81, had to pay a heavy price to celebrate at the Hockey World Cup.
Covered by covid-19.
– Yes, I was really sick. And worried. After all, I am over 80 years old. But I’m still aiming for the elite race this weekend. Nothing can stop me from that, says Corey.
Corey Lindstrom looks really pink when he answers the phone at his home in Stockholm.
He fell ill when he came home from the Hockey World Cup in Tampere.
Curie was the guest of honor when Sweden met Finland in the group stage and is an enduring champion of the country after Finland’s historic first gold at the World Cup finals in 1995.
There was no greater cheer than when Curre was zoomed into the stands during the match.
I don’t know when he was injured
But the attention had its price.
– I can’t say when I got hit, but it was crowded in the square and I met as many people as I could without a mouthguard. They were selfies and handshakes I hadn’t had before during the Corona pandemic.
– I’ve had three vaccinations and have always been careful at home in Thailand. It was just a coincidence that I had it now, but it is a reminder that the virus is still around.
I felt it during the match
Curie had to leave the stands after two stints in the second World Cup match he watched.
– Yes, even then I began to shrivel, he says.
When we got home, we both took a corona test and my wife Wannarot and I both tested positive.
– Now we’ve isolated ourselves and I hope we’ll recover by the end of this week. I have been in 51 elite races in a row at Solvalla. I don’t want to miss session 52.