Veton Berisha agrees with Hammarby according to Sportbladet information.
At the same time, the Norwegian star ended up in a quarrel with Viking Stavanger’s sporting director Eric Nevland.
– He said some things that weren’t true, Berisha tells Liftenbledet.
On Monday, Sportbladet wrote that Hammarby had verbally agreed to the personal agreement with Norwegian shooting king Veton Berisha.
Norway’s Aftenbledet first reported the news and the paper has now spoken to the 28-year-old.
– It’s fun with interest but I don’t have much to say. Now it’s not in my hands, so we’ll see what happens. I don’t want to speculate until a transition is possible. This is not certain, says Berisha who does not wish to reveal whether he verbally agrees with Hamrabi.
in vocabulary
At the same time, Berisha also ended up in a quarrel with Viking Stavanger’s sporting director Eric Nevland.
Nevland recently stated that the club had not offered Berisha a contract extension that expires in 2023 because it was “not interesting” for the player.
– Exactly what Nevland says, I don’t think much of it. Berisha says he said things that are not true.
Berisha: “a pure lie”
Aftenbladet: He said it is not appropriate for you to stretch with the Vikings?
– It’s really misinformation and an outright lie. He knows this is not true.
According to Aftenbladet, Veton Berisha’s salary demands for contract extension are too high to be matched with the Viking Stavanger.
Berisha has scored eight goals in twelve matches in the Norwegian Premier League this season. Last season, there were 22 goals in 28 games.