Victoria Beckham had nothing to do with it.
In an interview with Gary Neville, David Beckham tells the truth about his hairstyles and tattoos.
There should be 81 separate tattoos by now, says Beckham.
David Beckham He did not know himself as a conservative player during his football career. He has often appeared in new hairstyles and has countless tattoos on his body.
or infinite. Beckham knows exactly how many.
There should be 81 separate tattoos by now, says Beckham in a Youtube video where he is being questioned by his old teammate Gary Neville.
The first tattoo “Brooklyn” – the name of the son – was on the back. It is one of my favorite tattoos.
– These are my children’s names. And Victoria … I threw it in too, says Beckham with a laugh.
Beckham: ‘People have always believed it’
In the interview with Gary Neville, Beckham said, among other things, that the favorite goal of his career came against Greece, that his best teammate is Zinedine Zidane and that London is his favorite city.
Beckham also reveals that he can imagine shaving his hair again.
– I loved being Flint’s because it was easy and you didn’t have to do anything. I loved it, says Beckham.
Rooster comb, tassel, “pompadour” and much more. David Beckham has stated that Ms. Victoria has nothing to do with different hairstyles.
– People have always thought that Victoria had a huge influence on what I wore and the decisions she made about her hairstyles, tattoos or what clothes I wore. But I always made the decision to wear a full leather outfit or jeans or whatever I was wearing at the time. I just loved fashion and I loved wearing different kinds of clothes.