Djurgården’s Kim Bergstrand is outright lying about the interview

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Bergstrand about the interview

Kim Bergstrand has been criticized for his interview after the Helsingborg match.

Now he lies flat and confesses:

– I wasn’t out of balance and came out completely wrong.

After the 2-2 game against Helsingborg on Thursday, the Djurgården coach did just that Kim Bergstrand An interview with Discovery reporter Diljen Otlu that got a lot of attention.

Bergstrand has raised questions and received criticism for his behavior – even from Djurgården CEO Henrik Berggren.

Now speaking for the first time.

‘Not in equilibrium’

In an interview with ex-coach Aleksandr Aksin, he lay on the floor and admitted that it had gone wrong.

(interviews) are often very short and you always have different angles and things that I think are silly. All in all, I usually think it’s fun and super cute. I have absolutely no problem with face to face or being in the media. Then I had a bad interview yesterday (read it: Thursday) after the match because I wasn’t out of balance and came out wrong, he says and continues:

– Above all, it was interpreted as a criticism of Joel (Asuru), which was not the case at all. I should have just said ‘Joel did a good game but we needed to replace Victor (Edwardsen)’ and then there was nothing more, than to start.

“more complicated”

Bergstrand further argues that people are “more complex than the media would like to claim”.

– Next week you can read that “things are very smooth in the technical staff.” But if someone said something, he would be hit hard. Then it ends by saying “the ball is round” and “the game is 90 minutes plus extra”. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

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