Duplante’s plan may fail – the yards are too small

Armand Duplante’s goal – extending the approach to 22 steps

Armand Duplantis found a way to jump higher than the current world record.

There is only one core.

The yards became too small for him.

Everyone can see it Armand Duplantis He jumps at the highest level in the world. In this way, pole vaulting is an obvious spectator sport. But why do runners stop at 5.70 when the 22-year-old can manage an extra half meter?

According to Duplantis, it’s not just about strength and technique, it’s also about obsessing over detail. Don’t settle just because you made the five highest jumps of all time.

– When there is a situation where things freeze, I immediately want to change something. Push me to develop, says the column lifter when Sportbladet met him before the “Born to fly” documentary premiere.

“It would disrupt the rhythm”

The film shows the difficulties he faced in his late teens as the approach increased from 18 to 20 steps. The tempo was wrong and his performance was weaker before he got used to it and reached today’s level.

But if 20 steps are great – shouldn’t 22 be even better?

Armand Duplantis nodded when asked.

– yes. The goal is 22 steps. I’d love to give it a try, he says, but then frown.

Armand Duplantis wants to expand his approach.
Armand Duplantis wants to expand his approach.

The problem is that most of the approach lanes are too short. It measures 46-47 metres and I actually need 45 metres. So I’ll need another five metres, which is not a problem in tournaments. But it will be difficult to have different approaches to the competitions, it can disrupt the rhythm.

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Higher speed and more power are required

It remains to be seen if he makes plans for an expanded approach. Regardless, there are other details that will change soon.

– I plan, perhaps by next year, to have taller poles. Five more centimeters, so from 5.20 to 5.25 today, he says.

Are the bars made just for you or are there ready-made bars to take off?

– All rods are custom made, but each rod still needs to be manufactured. It’s just that they add five centimeters. It just seems easy to increase the length, but to take advantage of it you need more speed, strength and a good angle. I think it will work. I didn’t reach my level.


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