Elaine Wangerheim on a bad injury against BP

There were bad scenes when 17-year-old Ellen Wangerheim turned her knee in a derby against BP.

Hammarbytalangen admits she didn’t really dare look at the photos.

– Just a little from afar. No close-ups. It is a bit difficult.

Ellen Wangerheim Come to Kanalplan on crutches. The 17-year-old talent is still waiting for word after the unfortunate injury suffered by Promabojkarna.

– Yes, I’m fighting, but it’s okay now.

What just happened?

– I get stuck a little in the grass and then I get a little quarrel. The body goes to the right, the knee goes inward. Then I feel it hurts me the first moment and after that I feel less pain.

What do you think?

-Obviously there are a lot of thoughts going around and it’s always scary when you’re in the knee, but you have to try to be positive too in order to get the answer.

A terrible cruciate ligament injury

She admits that she hardly dared to watch TV pictures.

– Just a little from afar. No close-ups. It is a bit difficult. It doesn’t look like a big danger but it’s still hard to see.

The announcement is expected at the end of the week, but it is feared a cruciate ligament injury.

It’s tough but at the same time there are a lot of fans and a lot in this club who are communicating and caring and then it is much easier to see the light in the tunnel.

What are the compliments?

– That I will fight, that I will return to the field no matter what and that I will miss. It is wonderful to hear and see.

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What does it feel like to hear that?

– It’s difficult, but at the same time I hope to last until I wait for the message.

Wangerheim were in good shape and just minutes before the injury gave Hammarby a 1-0 lead.

Now she keeps her fingers crossed that the message is not as bad as feared. But if so, she is ready for what awaits her.

It’s sad but I see it as if I was young and advancing my career. I see it as a time in the gym in situations like this where I can get stronger mentally and physically.

Elaine Wangerheim on crutches during Hammarby – KDFF.

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