Fridolina Rulfo exchanged in the Champions League final – exchange published

SVT Expert Critical

Fridolina Rulfo.
Fridolina Rulfo.

Delayed by two goals before the quarter-finals to play in the Champions League final.

Then Fridolina Rulfo was replaced.

– I think this is completely wrong, says expert Marcus Johansson at SVT about the Barcelona change.

in the Swedish national team Fridolina Rulfo The attacking star with the starting position on the left.

In the FC Barcelona team, she was moved down as a left-back.

However, the 28-year-old was behind much of what Barcelona made in attack in the Champions League final against Lyon.

After he ended up in an early deficit with a score of 0-3, it was Rulfo’s forays and notes from the edge that threatened Lyon the most.

But with a quarter of an hour to play and 3-1 against Lyon, Barcelona coach Jonathan Giraldes opted to replace the Swede.

Change posted in SVT

A change that SVT expert Marcus Johansson never understood.

– Of course you wear the “Swedish hat”, but I think this is a completely wrong change of situation. She is the one behind these posts and this is the area Barcelona needs to attack, he says.

Rolfö has been replaced by Clàudia Pina, a central midfielder.

Barcelona needs the play offer that Rulfo gives them. Now they have another midfielder. There, they won’t make breakthroughs, says Johansson.

Eighth title

The match ended 3-1 against Lyon.

This was their eighth Champions League title.

There is a Swede in Lyon’s squad – second goalkeeper Emma Holmgren, 25, who can now call herself a CL champion.

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