Hammarby – AEK: Bojanic missed a penalty – back game: ‘He missed it’

Darijan Bojanic asked Nahir Bsara if he could take the penalty against AEK.

He got it and Bojanic missed.

Discovery expert Alexander Aksin now saw the decision to drop the penalty.

– I don’t like it, it’s clear that Sarah will pay the penalty, he said.

Naher Basara It is Hammarby’s first penalty kick. However, in today’s derby against AIK, he awarded a penalty to Darijan Bojanic when he asked if he could take it.

But Bojanic missed the penalty and an opportunity to extend it to 3-1 in the match, which ended 3-3.

– I would have taken it, but I don’t care if I scored the goal or anyone else. Darrigan asked if he could eat it, says Besara in Discovery.

The decision was not liked by Discovery Plus expert Alexander Aksin.

Praise from the coach

“I don’t like it, Sarah will obviously pay the penalty and you’re kind there,” he says before he gets an answer:

– In retrospect I should probably have taken it but I don’t blame Darijan and everyone could miss me and I might as well do it next time.

Hammarby coach Marty Sifuentes on the decision:

– I also admire Darijan Pojanic who showed courage and went ahead and took the penalty, even if he missed the two earlier. He wanted to take responsibility, which is a good thing, he says and continues:

– We have a rating, but if someone feels safe, there are no problems. Darijan was also on the list so there were no issues. I 100% believe in Darrigan and will continue to do so. He will come back stronger than this.

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