Helen Barneko, 58, is the second among the main candidates for the position of new president of the Swedish Football Association to answer 11 questions from Sportbladet.
Barneko says international football needs Sweden as a role model.
1) What are your best and worst football memories?
– The best thing is when I see kids happy and full of energy when they play football – both when I captain and follow my son on different football pitches in different countries for 15 years. My worst memory: the match when I finally had to give up football due to a knee injury.
2) How important is the 51% rule in your eyes?
– I think it’s important that the members continue to influence the football movement.
3) Do flares and fireworks belong in soccer fields?
It is important to put safety first. Of course, no one should be injured or afraid when you go on a football trial. If you find alternatives to the how-to then look into it, if you can’t guarantee safety then don’t.
4) How do you see the position of the Swedish Football Association? FIFA and toilet in Qatarfor example compared to the Norwegian line under Lise Klaveness?
– I think the position of the Swedish Football Association was well supported when it was taken, but I think Swedish football would benefit from a clearer position. And I think international football needs Sweden as a role model. Then it’s always about influence and influence in what you do.
5) Does the Swedish Football Association need – and if so how – to increase the proportion of youth, women and people of foreign origin among its elected representatives?
The Swedish Football Association must reflect society, just like all other companies and organizations around us. I know some steps have been taken, but there is still a great need and opportunity for that development.
6) If the Swedish Football Association had to choose to invest more resources in better and higher teams, national teams and elite clubs, or on smaller associations below the league systems – what do you think should take priority in this situation?
– Breadth and Elite are completely dependent on each other. If we want to succeed in international tournaments, we must constantly work with breadth and development. It requires direction, strategy and a location that enables financing by breadth and elite.
7) Is the process for selecting a new president of the Swedish Football Association transparent and open enough to participate in the grassroots football movement?
It is, after all, a democratic process that follows laws adopted by the movement.
8) You are a member of the board of directors of the media group Schibsted, does this correspond to a new assignment as president of the Swedish Football Association
Driving and developing Swedish football is a priority and efforts to achieve visions, strategies and goals will define the scope of other tasks.
9) How many hits did you manage to keep the soccer ball in the air…?
– Haha.. I’m used to an incredible number of balls in the air, but it’s been a long time since I stood in the garden and purposefully trained to keep the ball in the air…
10) According to several media reports, employee surveys show that there is a partial problem with the work environment at the Swedish Football Association. You need the environment and the leadership within it svff change?
In all new leadership roles you take on, you must begin by listening and understanding from different perspectives. But from the outside, and with the experience I have at the helm, I think that at this point in time Swedish football will benefit from a new kind of leadership. Modern leadership is required to build and develop a strong brand.
11) What are the three most important issues in Swedish football from your point of view?
– 1) To make football movement broad and elite to work together towards values and set visions, strategies and goals.
– 2) To ensure that you have modern leadership and that you are capitalizing on competencies within the district, elite and advisory. It adapts the organization to achieve the best possible goal.
– 3) To promote breadth and elite – we should not miss a single kid who wants to play soccer. It leads to societal benefits and at the same time a wider talent pool for the elite and national teams. Keep building pride around Swedish football for everyone.
Sportbladet had been in contact with the third candidate for president, Frederick Reinfeldt, but he refused to participate.