Here, Joakim Nilsson happens to reveal the secret of Janne Andersson

Ljubljana. Janne Andersson does not want to answer how the national team will be formed in the new game system.

Then midfielder Joachim Nelson revealed it:

– 4-3-3.

Jan Anderson He already indicated in an interview with Sportbladet a month ago that the national team would change the playing system for the first time under his leadership.

The league captain then confirmed the switch when he quit the team two weeks ago. But, despite repeated questions, with tonight’s Nations League premiere approaching, he stubbornly refused to answer exactly which line-up the team should line up in.

But at Wednesday’s press conference, midfielder Joachim Nilsson revealed it directly:

It’s a 4-3-3 attack.

To what extent are players tagged in the new gameplay?

– Really tagged! It gives new impetus after the last set of defeat when we missed the World Cup. It gives the group new energy. We think it will suit our players. It may take some time but we’re looking forward to it, says Nelson.

Federation Captain Jan Anderson.

I don’t know which eleven is the best

Most players come straight from the end of the season with their club teams and the Nations League schedule is much tighter than it was during the tournament that only lasts two or three days between the four matches.

Jan Anderson has made it clear that no player will be able to play 90 minutes in all matches without a lot of players getting a lot of playing time.

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Would he then choose to take out the best possible 11 matches against Slovenia without looking at meeting Norway in Friends already on Sunday?

– I don’t know today who the best eleven from this team are if I’m to be honest. He is quite equal in a number of positions and there are many new players involved. Now we have a match tomorrow (read: today) and then we evaluate it and research further.

– But I will work with the team more than usual so that there are early changes and more changes; One player plays 60 minutes and another 30 minutes in a position to keep them alert. In this way, I also see an upcoming match, says the captain of the national team.

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