John Gedetti was stopped from starting the Degerforce due to pain in his hamstring – despite taking plenty of painkillers.
– I tested before the second half, but it is very painful, he says.
John Gidity He has been suffering from hamstring problems for a long time. In addition, he contracted Covid-19 a month ago. against Diggerforce He had little hope of playing from the start, but the pain stopped him. He watched AIK play 1-1 against Degerforce at Friends and himself had to settle for a substitution when he was substituted with just over a quarter hour of play.
– It’s a disappointment, of course. Football is not tennis. It is not always worth winning. We deserved to win, everyone knows that. Even Diggerforce, too. But we don’t score with chances, it’s accidental, says Gediti.
take painkillers
What about your injury, were you ready to run for 90 minutes?
– No no. It wasn’t close. Better not play anything. It’s awful to be running around limp and in pain all the time. Now they asked if I could join in and try to be inside the box at the end and then it was just about doing it.
– Now I will try to recover during the national team break.
Do you take painkillers?
– Yes a lot.
This painful?
– Yes, really bad. I tried to warm up a bit in the second half, but it didn’t work. It hurts a lot. It does take some time. It was a target I had to be there today if I really needed it.
– Now I will try to recover beyond the national team.
“Get rid of five points”
How do you see the chances of achieving the first three places?
– The three places? truly. But now we’ve got five points in the last few games. It’s too bad. But now I have to work to get healthy and enjoy playing football. Don’t get in pain all the time. It’s not entertaining.
How about the office?
– We deserve it. it’s normal. They can’t take it out on the field or at the training facility, they just take it to us. It’s more than it’s worth.