Kosovar Aslani and Lina Hurtig injured – missed the Sweden match

Kosovar Aslani and Lina Hurtig will miss the injury.

Consequently, the duo will miss Sweden’s training match against China tomorrow, Thursday.

– Kosovars have a sense of muscularity and Lina has received character that we deal with, says Humane Ibrahimi, the national team doctor.

Sweden at a training camp in Marbella. Where you are preparing for two international matches. China awaits Thursday and meets on Tuesday next week with Germany.

But it is now clear that Peter Gerhardtson will have to lay off two of his attacking stars, and neither Kosovar Aslani nor Lina Cortege will be with China.

– They came here with feelings, and it went well. Aslani will be in parts of training today, and we’re moving forward with Lyn,” says Humane Ibrahimi regarding today’s training.

Kosovar Aslani points to his right hip and the doctor checks on Houman Ibrahimi.

vague about the injury

Neither Aslani nor Hurtig could fully rehearse because of their feelings.

– Kosovars have a muscular sense and Lena received a stamp (on her foot) that we deal with.

The national team doctor is ambiguous when asked how the Milan star is feeling.

– It is located around the lower end of the “Kosse”.

– I try not to be specific in this case, and the most important thing is that she comes back and partly trains with us. Ebrahimi says Tuesday’s chances are good.


– I’m sorry I can’t be specific, it’s about being honest with the club.

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Sweden will meet China on Thursday at 18:30, and the match will be broadcast on SVT.

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