Ice hockey coach Leif “Stromban” Stromberg, 60, is no longer with Germany’s Krefeld.
The city is not the most pleasant, but the Swede still enjoyed it there.
– I’ve lived in Karlskoga for many years and it’s probably not a fun city either, he tells Sportbladet and laughs.
Something unexpected happened. Liev “Stromban” Stromberg and Krefeld started the second-division season strong, winning seven of their first nine matches when the club announced the coach’s sacking.
– It’s sad leaving the boys. But the general manager and I did not agree on how to play hockey. There are absolutely no hard feelings, says Strompan.
“There is no controversy”
He expands on his answer.
– I can’t play the way someone else is. It comes down to agreeing how to play. But I was chosen to play my own ice hockey. For me it was very easy. I felt like breaking up and going home. Nothing exciting at all. I wasn’t there to argue with any GM, he says, saying they had a meeting on Monday where they agreed to leave.
Stromberg pays tribute to the people of Krefeld, located in western Germany, and nicknamed it the city of hockey. But it cannot be classified as “funniest”.
– But there is very funny architecture. The people there were amazingly helpful. He says its sad to leave them.
Hints about the future
Whether the city is fun or not does not play a decisive role in whether Stromberg enjoys where he lives.
– I have lived in Karlskoga for many years, and it is not a pleasant city either, he says and laughs.
What is waiting now?
– I received the question directly from another German team. A total of two teams contact us. But now I’m going home for a few days anyway, so we’ll see what happens, he says from Dusseldorf airport.
So can you stay in German ice hockey?
– we will see. Where I am on earth I keep myself.
What will you miss most about Krefeld?
– Daily work with the players in the team. Germany should not be underestimated when it comes to hockey development.
and less?
– lol. I will not go into that.
Leif Stromberg trained Södertälje, Vargstad, Leksand, Malmö and Beaufors, among others.