Lolia works against Brendan Shenmin after filming against Linkoping

Brendan Schneemen has once again found himself in the spotlight after reporting his filming.

He brings feelings to life among Lulia supporters on social media.

The situation as such does not look good, we will point out, says General Manager Stefan “Skogan” Nelson.

Brendan Shinemin It was reported by the case room to the Disciplinary Committee after the away match against Linköping.

In a duel with Christopher Ene, Lulia’s striker fell backwards.

The fact that the 31-year-old Canadian once again finds himself in a situation like this is causing outrage among his supporters.

“Very embarrassing”

On the social media platform Twitter, you can read the following comments, among others:

“Shinmin can’t represent Lulia anymore. It’s so embarrassing, we fans shouldn’t be embarrassed in every match.”

“Damn, here they wanted to give Shinimen a second chance and then pee on one. I guess he forgot he wasn’t going to film, just as he forgot there were 4 seconds left in the game.”

“Now you are really starting to lose it with Mr. Shinimin. It takes a lot more energy than it gives and contributes.”


A consistent opinion is that they don’t think Brendan Scheinnemann represents the identity of the team.

– It obviously creates feelings when a player is fined for filming. We understand you are upset. This is something we don’t want to see at all. We obviously care about fan reactions. CEO Stefan Enbaum says sports management and coaches are working extensively on these issues.

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GM Stefan “Skuggan” Nilsson says they’ve been firm with the guys when it comes to this kind of unsportsmanlike behavior.

– We made it clear to the whole group that we don’t want to shoot. The same goes for Brendan Schneemen as the others. Now it has been reported and the situation as such does not look good. We’ll show him that we don’t advocate for anything to do with filming and we absolutely don’t want him on the team, says Stefan “Skogan” Nelson.

“No dissenting opinion”

Since Brendan Shenemin has been in situations like this before, would you work with him on this in any way?

– How exactly we communicate and how we deal with the players I will not talk through the media. We’ve been straightforward with the group including Brendan Schneemen.

How do you deal with the fact that it stirs passions among Lulia’s supporters?

– I don’t really want to comment on people’s actions or what they think on different social media. We at Lulia don’t want to continue filming and have passed that on to Brendan Scheinnemann and the rest of the group. Since people express their dissatisfaction, I don’t want to comment.

Is there a problem for you with Brendan Shinnimin in terms of who you are and what you want to advocate for?

– What I can say is that we don’t want to be involved in the shooting. Like I said, we’ve reported it to the group and to it. There is no dissenting opinion from us on this subject.

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It was also reported that goalkeeper Kali Klang at Rogel and defender Jesper Peterson at Linkoping were also reported to be photographed after Thursday’s SHL round.

Earlier this season, striker Stefan Matu in Linköping was fined for his photo shoot.

Last season, one league player was charged with filming and striker Johanni Tervainen was fined at Lulea after a home game against Malmö in March.

Brendan Scheinnemann signed a two-year contract with Lulia before last season.

During the previous three seasons at Växjö, he aroused strong feelings among Luleå’s supporters for his behavior in matches.

On Thursday evening, Luliu’s loss was after Linkoping turned around to take the 2-1 win in 20 seconds in the third inning.

Brendan Shenemin.
Brendan Shenemin.

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