Magdalena Ericsson of the national team about the difficult period at Chelsea

Duesburg. Magdalena Ericsson does not rule out moving from Chelsea.

Plus, she’s had to deal with a new situation lately — sitting on the bench sometimes.

“It’s not something I enjoy and it was a lesson I learned,” says the defender.

Magdalena Ericsson moved to Chelsea in 2017. Last month it was rumored that she and partner Pernille Harder, who arrived in 2020 from Wolfsburg, could leave the London club this summer.

– I don’t want to comment on rumors or talk too much about the status of my contract. I don’t feel like the time to do that is now. So it’s hard for me to say much about it, unfortunately, says Erickson.

She admits that it is “very important” to continue to grow close to Harder.

– We have found safety in each other and I feel we get the most out of each other when we live together and are with each other and can support each other and help each other. That’s absolutely our ambition, says Erickson.

The clubs that have been talked about include Real Madrid and Lyon.

– It’s very honorable and a receipt of what you’ve done and everything like that.
It’s obviously fun, but I try not to eat too much of it, says Magdalena Erickson, adding:

I try to distance myself from it and focus my focus on the here and now. Try to balance with the long run.

Magdalena Ericsson wears a Chelsea shirt.
Magdalena Ericsson wears a Chelsea shirt.

“It wasn’t easy”

The challenge during the current season has been that the starting place for a defender is no longer given.

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– It was a new experience. It was more when I was younger to feel that in the national teams and so on. Other than that, says Magdalena Erickson, it would have felt like a long time ago.

You are trying to turn the situation into something positive.

– I feel it was a good opportunity for me to strengthen my mental strength. Understand what I need, what is important to me in such a situation. Train hard. Find a good mindset where I can train extra, I can work out in the gym, and I can do things I can’t do when I’m playing, says Erickson.

– But it wasn’t easy either. It’s very sad not to play. Ah, that’s not something I enjoy. It’s been a learning curve figuring out how best to handle this and how to make sure of it when the opportunity comes
Then I will be as prepared as I can be. Then I give myself the best possible conditions to play well when I come back.

“Love Chelsea”

Almost six years in the same club doing one thing. Magdalena Ericsson is aware that she is strongly attached to Chelsea.

– I have an unbelievable amount of love for the club, its fans and the development we’ve seen and the development of women’s football in England. “It was so much fun to be on that trip,” says Erickson.

My heart is firmly attached to the club in many ways. Now we don’t know what will happen and we will see but the only thing I can say is that I love Chelsea with all my heart.

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