Bestad. Covidsmittan has found its way into most European Championship teams.
But UEFA refuses to expand the squad to 26 players, despite the fact that it has already been decided that the men’s World Cup teams will be in Qatar as well.
– It seems unreasonable like this, says Sweden’s assistant captain Magnus Wykman.
Rebecca Blomqvist was missing from Sweden’s training. Sick, but tested negative for coronavirus. However, that was a prelude to what might come in the next few weeks. Two other European Championship teams have already contracted the Covid virus, infecting players and captains.
This led to a request to allow countries to increase their forces to 26 players, as happened in the European Men’s Championship last summer, which FIFA has now also decided to apply to the World Cup in Qatar this fall.
men UEFA says no.
The latest from the UEFA workshop is that there are 23 players we will be in touch with, if we don’t hear anything else. We haven’t done that yet. So I think there are 23 people who want to keep it, says Magnus Wakeman.
However, most countries questioned this during a digital rally according to Wikman.
UEFA may not think it is that serious. But there is an infection in society, it has started to enter the forces of several countries, and although summer has come, it is still spreading.
He was told through the media that the men’s World Cup squads are already designed to contain 26 players.
– I knew nothing of it, unfortunately, but that on a straight arm seemed quite unreasonable, I thought I’d say. I don’t know, there is a reason I guess? It looks strange. But someone made the decision and there might be some difference in the tournaments. But I have to recognize it before I can say whether it is true or false.
“I’m trying to get away”
At today’s training at Örebäcksvallen in Båstad, the national team players were greeted with packed booths, and there were plenty of people who had to stand spread out along the handrails outside the stands to be able to follow the practice. After that, autographs were signed and selfies were taken with hundreds of children and adults. The players were singing about the support, but there was also a sense of anxiety.
– So, I think it’s great that there are so many people. But I still take responsibility for not being too close to others. I try to keep the distance. And wash and spray your hands afterward, says Emma Kohlberg
But does anxiety exist?
– I obviously take my responsibility, and we’re still coming from a pandemic. But somewhere in everything I am still trying to live a little, trying to normalize life. But I always keep it in mind, you think about the little details that prevent you from transmitting the infection.