Stefan Bengtzen: We don’t want him on the ice
Petros Palmo was an intended star.
Now the new Finnish acquisition is not allowed to train with Örebro.
– Failed and I’m the first to admit it, Orebro general manager Stefan Bengtzen tells NA.
Petros Palmu, 25, is one of a number of Finnish stars who have applied to the SHL this season. The intelligent and calm striker signed with Örebro after being named Finnish Footballer of the Year last year.
But success did not come.
Petros Palmo has been pitched in nine games
Palmo accounted for four points in 15 games and was criticized in nine games. Now NA has written that Palmu was missing from Tuesday’s practice.
Express He was the first to report that he was not allowed to train with the team, which was confirmed by Örebro general manager Stefan Bengtzen for NA.
We told him yesterday (Monday) that we have come to the end of the road where we want to try to do it in a good way. We don’t want him with the team on the ice. I don’t want to run a dirty game. I told him he could stay home and if he wanted to use our gym that was fine. But now we want to get out of this in a reasonable way as quickly as possible, Bengtzen tells the paper.
“to fail”
Now it’s up to Palmu himself and his agent to work out a move to another club.
– Since then, I have been careful and explained to Palmu that he had failed, both for him and for us. Depends on the sports grounds. I am anxious to forward this to his agency. He handled his cards well, and was not a hooligan in any way. Bengtzén kept going and got a second chance in case of injury, but it didn’t go well in the match.
Örebro meets HV71 away from home on Thursday.