Rasmus Dahlin in goal form – he can break an all-time record

New York. The most dangerous defender of the NHL is called Rasmus Dahlin.

He scored for the third game in a row last night, out of a possible three – and if he scores next time too, he will touch Västgöten’s 90-year record!

— but it was a real team effort that was behind the victory, says the young back star after Buffalo’s commendable 4-2 victory in Edmonton.

There was a lot of talk up front about it Rasmus Dahlenthe Swedish Enlistment Choice for 2018, is set to get its big break this year – and so far it has definitely lived up to expectations.

With tonight’s goal, scored immediately after the draw four minutes into the guest encounter with star-studded Edmonton, he took an early lead with the full-back’s goals.

But this is not enough.

According to the NHL, he, along with Victor Heidemann – who accomplished the same feat in the fall of 2014 – is the only one in the league since 1992-93 to score in the first three games of the season.

And if he hangs a puck against Calgary on Friday night, Rasmus will touch the record of Montreal Maroons defender Baldi Northcote, set in the 1932-33 season!

But when he meets with the media after the game at Rogers Place, he just wants to talk about the team’s efforts — especially in the recent period, when Conor McDavid & Co. put his Buffalo visitors under heavy pressure.

It wasn’t pretty, but we found a way to win and that’s it in this league, says the 20-year-old from Fastgot.

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We played hard and at the same time goalkeeper Eric Comrie was completely unrealistic.

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