Rögle defeated Luleå in the SHL – Grégoire is published by Bibic

Bebek’s criticism of Rogel’s new acquisition

Update 21:14 | Published 21:09

Rögle defeated Luleå 1–0 and got a much-needed three-pointer.

Then Canadian star linebacker Thomas Gregoire suffered a severe cut.

– I would have put him on the bench now to close shop, says TV4 Play expert Almin Bibik.

Rögle had a tough start to the season with seven points in six games.

But at home against Luleå, Scandians played well and won 1-0 after Rodrigo Apolles scored the only goal of the game in the second half, numerically superior.

Goalkeeper Christopher Refalke kept a clean sheet despite being severely tested by the visitors in the final push.

-We came back well after Saturday’s match against Frolunda. There are two good teams, and it’s good that we can hold on, a really good effort, says Revalek on TV4 Play.

The closest was Pontus Andresson as a free agent.

He saw hard

In TV4 Play, Rögle’s new acquisition Canadian Thomas Grégoire was deployed aggressively in the final minutes.

– Gregoire was sent off and was in the free position. I now sat him down immediately to close up shop. He had a tough time defensively before the game and was a safety risk. Today was still quite fine, but these two… it’s just a matter of putting them aside, says expert Almen Bebić.

Luleå achieved two successive victories in which he scored nine goals. Next up is Malmo for Norrbotnings.

– I don’t think we will rise to the level we were at before. I think we won scoring chances anyway, so we should have scored one or two goals today, says Luleå’s Mario Kempe on TV4 Play.

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