Running star Kaley Berglund makes an impressive return at 1,500 meters at the Bauhaus concert.
It was the first long-term singles race since the collapse of the Olympic Trials in Tokyo last summer.
– I’ve tried to quit smoking three times since then, but it doesn’t work. Kaali says, I decided to give it another chance.
Callie Berglund She fell after the Olympic failure in Tokyo last summer.
Hen suffered from a mental illness that was about to break and was told that on one occasion last fall he lay on the ground and cried.
Then he had an impressive feat in the summer of 2019 which he started with by beating Johnny Kronor, then 34, the Swedish record of 3:36.49.
When the season ended, he had set three Swedish records and finished with 3:33.70 in the World Cup Final in Doha.
But when he was recovering from the 2020 season, which was canceled in one way or another and affected by Corona, everything collapsed and completely disappeared from the competition tracks.
He only appeared in public again on the SM squad in Uppsala last weekend.
He easily ran home at a slow 5,000m with a race no one else could match.
He returned to mixed territory and met the media for the first time since the summer of 2021, when he wanted to escape and locked himself in a dark room.
I started dreaming of another Olympics, but I started to do it at my own pace and in a completely different way. But if I start getting into old habits, I quit immediately.
– I really tried to quit smoking, but I like training and society, even if competitions are not the most fun. or was.
– But at the same time, it must be a little uncomfortable to compete and push yourself. But it’s no fun having 25 in your lactate and 190 in your heart rate when you have to do one last lap.
Now Callie’s comeback will go at a completely different pace than before.
– Yes, I will start studying this fall, so we will see how it can be combined with investment. Determines a little how it goes.
But he has no ambition to reach any championship this summer.
– No, this is a year off, I will simply take it and try to come back. The idea is to train with Andreas Magyar. We’ve never been perfect or in great shape at the same time. When it went well for me, he was sick and injured and when it went well for me, I was gone.
– This has been the case over the years. Maybe one day we should be perfect and in great shape at the same time.
Andreas is no longer Hungary after a comeback after his fantastic fall season and indoor season.
Kaley Berglund has just taken the first step on his new journey.
The Bauhaus Gala 1500m is not included in the regular program and is eliminated from the main competition.
But it is still a step into the spotlight once again.