SDHL’s Brynä players point their fingers at their fans

“It was a huge mistake, and I sincerely apologize.”

Met Prenas Orebro at SHL yesterday.

Then club SDHL players Anna Brinkle, 16, and Stina Sandberg, 17, stood in Orbrooklaken and also fingered their fans.

Anna realizes that she has made a big mistake and apologizes profusely, says Anna Brinkle’s mother, Helena.

After three consecutive defeats at the start of the SHL, it was a very important match for Prenas when Orebro came to visit. The home team finally managed to win 3-2 after a goal in the last seconds.

During the matches, the guests were supported by a small, but frank, crowd away. This included, among others, Brynäs players Anna Brenkle and Stina Sandberg, who were seen on the C More broadcast wearing an orebro jacket and scarf and also extended to the core.

After the final whistle, it also appears that one of the girls is pointing her finger at Brynäsklakken.

Anna Brinkle and Stina Sandberg.
Anna Brinkle and Stina Sandberg.

Brenkle and Sandberg have been recruited from Orebro for this season and have been in Brynä’s squad for the opening games of the SDHL.

Reactions caught on social media. Those who sympathize with Brynäs are furious, while fans from other clubs find them very cool and inappropriate.

“She realizes she made a big mistake.”

Sportbladet has been in contact with Anna Helena’s mother, who says her daughter regrets:

– Anna is in school now. She realizes she made a big mistake and apologizes profusely. She didn’t realize the consequences of hanging out with friends from Orebro. Anna’s mother, Helena Brinkle, said it was a very stupid thing, and she feels as bad as she is.

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Club manager Brynä Håkan Svedman wrote in a text message that he was taking the incident seriously:

– The action is inconsistent with the way we want the people representing Brynäs to act. During the day, we will discuss internally how to deal with what happened and the individual players. For this reason, we would like to wait before making further comments.

Sportbladet attempted to contact Stina Sandberg and her parents via Brynäs.

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