Former national team star: “I really miss”
National team star and former TV expert Frida Ostberg, 44, has become a mother for the fourth time.
Last week, she gave birth to her son, Abi.
– It’s warm now. Ostberg says the whole family is very happy.
Last week, former national team star Frieda Ostberg told that she is pregnant with her fourth child.
“We’re fine and the other kids are waiting,” she told Sportbladet at the time.
The family has now expanded to six people.
– Little Ip finally came. Now we are back home and the whole family is fine. The kids are very happy and really crave this. Now we can hope this mood continues. But you never know, says Ostberg, laughing.
The name Ebbe has no family connection, but she admits that it was not easy to come up with.
– We got the name after long negotiations. There were a lot of participants. We are a big family. But it feels great.
European Championship premiere
After his playing career, Ostberg worked as an expert in SVT For more than ten years. Despite the full pace at home, I naturally sat in front of the premiere of the European Championship between England and Austria yesterday.
– It was so fun to see him. As we’ve seen in the audience, it’s a great movement around women’s football right now, which we’ve seen since the World Cup in France 2019. Shitty.
68,000 people went to Old Trafford to see the premiere. In an interview with NRK after the match, the England striker described the volume as deafening and admitted that it had become difficult for players to communicate.
Frida Ostberg could understand that she thought so.
– Maybe I got used to it and I feel grateful for it. But that makes knowing each other well even more advantageous. If you play many matches together, you can respond to how your teammates behave. It is an absolute advantage that makes her feel good about Sweden.
She completes:
You can train as much as you want, but it’s hard to practice in these situations and mentally prepare yourself for how you’ll react. But once you’re sitting there in the locker room, it’s important to be able to have fun wherever you are. Every effort has been made to prepare for that occasion. Make it an extra push instead of something difficult.