Chester / Stockholm. Before the semi-final match against England, the lid is open.
Joanna Ritting-Canried said the national team management had instructed players not to comment on questions about injuries and illnesses.
– We were asked not to answer such questions, says the attacker.
Sweden will face England in the semi-finals on Tuesday and there are several question marks surrounding the Swedish national team.
There is still uncertainty about the status of Kosovo Aslani. The hardworking Swedish attacking midfielder received treatment immediately after the match and declined interviews because he was tired. It was not seen on the football field on Sunday when 19 players participated.
Left-back Jonah Anderson, who was confirmed to have coronavirus this week, like Olivia Shaw, did not participate in Sunday’s training either.
Goalkeeper Hedwig Lindahl He preferred the gym when the national team management opened for individual training.
“We have been told…”
When Joanna Ritting-Canried, Philippa Engeldahl, Hanas Glass and Hedvig Lindahl gave interviews during the afternoon, they were asked questions about their teammates, not least about Kos’ status.
However, there was no update for anxious fans.
The management of the national team has been tightened when it comes to information about potential injuries and illnesses. All in order not to give opponents any advantages.
Players were given clear instructions to the players: they should not comment on the condition of other players.
We were asked not to answer such questions, says Joanna Ritting-Canried.
I will not comment on individual cases. But you obviously want the whole team in place.
According to Hedvig Lindahl, Swedish fans should not worry too much about Kosovare Aslani’s chances of playing against England.
– I’m not worried, she says.