The SD politician wants to take over Brynäs

Camilla Westman, 55, is running

Camilla Westman will try to challenge the nominating committee’s proposal.

The SD politician wants to become Brynäs’ boss.

– I think it was very bad to see how Brynäs played last year, says Westman.

Gefle Dagblad was the first to report on the alternative proposal which ran counter to the selection committee and was expected to be presented before the Brynä annual meeting on 19 June.

The paper writes that two of the members plan to nominate municipal politician Camilla Westman (SD) and three other people to the board.

Camilla Westman.
Camilla Westman.


Westman herself also assures Sportbladet that she wants to become Brynäs’ new board chairman.

– Some of the members asked me if I could imagine sitting on the board before, when we were building the Läkerol Square. I was involved in the development of the association and Brennas was in my heart the whole time, says Westman.

She no longer has insight into the association, nor does she have much knowledge of hockey, but she does have ideas about what she wants to do.

– I think it was so disgusting to see how Brinas played last year. I’ve seen a decline, not realizing that Brynäs was.

Multiple tasks

Westman believes Brynäs pay too high and says it wants to improve efficiency.

– I find it hard to see what all these Brennas are doing. I think there are a lot of employees. I don’t have much insight into what everyone is doing, but it should be possible to make the business and organization more efficient. She says something is not right.

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Westman is a member of the municipal council, the regional council, two committees, and the company’s board of directors. She sees no problem with being an SD politician and Brynäs boss at the same time.

– I must have had some slips there at first, but in Jävle it went well for us. There are more and more Swedish Democrats coming. I’m not a full-time politician, and can spend a lot of time in Brynäs.

Selection committee proposal

What do you think about your chances of being selected?

– I don’t know anyway. I’m not suggested by the selection committee, but I know a lot of people who know what I’m doing. If you want a girl as the boss, I might have a chance (laughs).

The NomCom proposes that former NomCom Chair Connie Johnson take over when Boss Johansson steps down as Brenas boss.

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