Neck protection is a must in Swedish hockey.
Should the NHL follow suit?
– We hope it will be mandatory in the future, says NHL president Gary Bettman to Sportbladet.
The debate over neck protection erupted in the hockey world after the tragic death of Adam Johnson.
Many NHL stars had a research center and wore protection, but unlike Sweden, it is not mandatory in the world’s best hockey league.
Sportbladet had a chat with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, 71, regarding this week’s games in Stockholm and asked him if they should follow Sweden.
– In order to have a mandatory rule on equipment, we need an agreement and cooperation with the players’ association (NHLPA). This is something we have studied for many years, namely cut-resistant materials. Although it is not yet mandatory, it is optional. We hope that it will become mandatory in the future. But in the meantime, I encourage players to wear neck protection, says Gary Bettman.
“You don’t need to ask them to improve anything.”
Based on your knowledge of the Swedish Premier League, what do you think is good and least good about the Swedish Premier League?
-We have a great relationship with the SHL and the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation. We are happy with how the players are developing here and how the best players who grew up and developed in Sweden are coming to the NHL. Aside from Canada and the United States, we have more players from Sweden than anywhere else.
Something you think needs improvement?
– I think they’re doing a great job. I don’t think they need to hear me ask them to improve anything. What’s happening, whether it’s the number of players coming to the game or the response we’re getting here playing four games in four nights with four teams – all tickets sold out – means hockey is standing strong in Stockholm and Sweden and we’re grateful for that.
That’s how close NHL players are to the Olympics and World Cup
It has been a long time since the best players in the world faced each other in the context of the national team. The last World Cup was held in 2016, but plans for a new tournament have been ongoing for a long time. NHL players have not participated in the Olympics since 2014.
Many hope to see NHL players at the World Cup and Olympics in the future, how close is it to that becoming a reality?
– It is very important to us, and we are working hard with the Players Association to make it a reality. Despite the logistical and practical difficulties in getting the best to meet internationally, we know that it is very important for the players. That’s why we try to make it happen.
When asked when a decision might be made on NHL players for the 2026 Milan Olympics, Bettman gave a long — but not very clear — answer. He concludes by saying that all parties concerned are discussing the matter.
“We’re working hard together to try to make this a reality,” says Gary Bettman.