Västerås IK fires sporting director Patrick Zetterberg

Västerås IK implements changes from the leader’s side.

After an unwanted start to the season, Athletic Director Patrick Zetterberg was fired.

– Over time, we have not developed sportingly in line with Västerås IK’s goals and ambitions, says club president Pär Södergren to the club’s website.

There was a heavy storm around Västerås IK during the first half of the season. The club did not live up to the expectations that were there.

They have now announced that sporting director Patrick Zetterberg has been sacked from the club.

– Over time, we have not developed mathematically in line with Västerås IK’s goals and ambitions. For this reason, we have assessed that the new sporting director will build the sporting activities for the 2023/24 season. Therefore, this change must take place now, before work begins on forming the squad for next season, says Västerås president IK Pär Södergren to the club’s website.

There is no ready alternative

It is not yet clear who will take this position.

– Some time ago, we identified a number of candidates to become the next sports director of Västerås IK and started the dialogues. “We conduct interviews and put candidates through the competition in order to implement the best possible recruitment process for the club,” says Södergren.

During the season, there were rumors that coach Thomas Pananen was about to be fired. The ÖA reported that Zetterberg in particular held a meeting in Arlanda with Håkan Åhlund. When asked if change was needed on the leadership side as well, Södergren replied:

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– We are now implementing a major change in sports activities in the position of sports director. This meant new conditions for the coaching staff and the team’s play as well. Besides, we have continuous work to strengthen the team. In general, we do these activities with the aim of generating new energy, which in turn will help us reverse on the ice. Like all changes we implement, we will analyze the result of these changes and constantly evaluate whether we have created the desired effect, or whether we need to implement more changes.

After 26 matches, Vasteras is ninth in the standings.

The text has been updated.

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