Vegas Golden Knights won the Stanley Cup • Anthony Zuccaro on trial

Updated 21:44 | Posted at 21:40

Anthony Zuccaro is on trial.

Talk about doing a terrorist act during the Vegas Golden Knights victory parade.

– That’s a good idea, Zuccaro is said to have said.

The Vegas Golden Knights didn’t hold back from celebrating after their historic Stanley Cup title in June.

Swedish superstar William Carlson took center stage as he danced to ABBA, gave a speech and stumbled down a flight of stairs.

But the wild party could have ended in tragedy had Anthony Zuccaro, 31, not been arrested before the victory parade.

Anthony Zuccaro.
Anthony Zuccaro.

Called the emergency services

In the fall of 2017, a crime occurred that shook Las Vegas and the entire United States.

60 people were killed and up to a thousand injured when the perpetrator, Stephen Paddock, sat in a house and began shooting into a large crowd. Before the victory parade, Anthony Zuccaro threatened to do the same when he called and spoke to emergency operators in Nevada and Arizona.

“That’s a bad idea,” the person on the other end of the phone answered as Zuccaro described how he planned to kill both his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend, then kill himself by shooting into the motorcade and driving a truck.

– It’s not a bad idea. Suicide is a bad idea. Zuccaro replied that this was a good idea.

The crowd outside T-Mobile Arena after Vegas won the Stanley Cup.
The crowd outside T-Mobile Arena after Vegas won the Stanley Cup.

The trial is pending

Right now, Zuccaro is on trial for his threats.

He believes that he is innocent of transmitting false information and threatening to commit a terrorist act.

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Zuccaro will go to trial on October 16th.

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