Vicky Bloomi is sick – misses CL final

Tonight Vicki Blommé will be an expert in Studio CL.

But now she’s sick in the stomach and misses the broadcast.

“Of course, it’s a pity you missed the final,” she wrote on Twitter.

Tonight Vicky Bloomy will be one of C More’s experts during the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid.

But just hours before the final, she’s now forced to cancel.

“Very sad to finish season 21/22 from the floor in the bathroom instead of the CL studio. Stomach sickness stopped and of course you feel bad to miss the final. Regardless, a big thank you to all of you who watched and heard from you during the season,” she writes Twitter.

carving in the heart

She is now supported by both colleagues and viewers, and host Justin Dahlin, among others, wrote:

“However, it shocked my heart to find that stomach ailment hit Vicky Bloomy’s tentacles and kept her off tonight’s broadcast. Because if there was anyone I wanted to walk with, it was Vicki—the best I know how to handle TV!” he writes.

Olof Lunde and Frida Nordstrand also supported Vicki after the announcement.

Before the final, Blume told Sportbladet how to prepare for the broadcast.

– I’m bad at playing the stage, so I have to go in and be myself. Maybe it was good, because from what I hear, I’m seen as a normal in the studio.

– I found a good way to get ready. I’m talking to myself in the car. It’s a good idea to test how you express yourself, or what to start with when demonstrating a tactical ritual. What is clear? A lot happens spontaneously, but I get the security of talking to myself in the car from Västerås.

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